NRG Healing Massage

Spinal Flow Therapy

Spinal Flow Therapy

Our bodies are naturally wired for healing and wellbeing.

Spinal Flow Technique taps into this innate intelligence to help us restore equilibrium in our lives, despite the pressures of modern living.

The three main sources of stress – emotional trauma from past experiences; chemical exposure from food or products; physical strain as a result of accidents, posture habits or prolonged sitting- can all contribute to blockages within the body’s nervous system.

By tapping into its own wisdom however, these obstacles may be released and balance restored through Spinal Flow Technique.

The spine is the body’s main director, sending vital messages between our organs by way of nerves; however stress can impede this communication process.

With a profound knowledge regarding the 7 gateways and 33 access points along the spinal column, Spinal Flow Technique grants practitioners with an opportunity to remove any blockages that may inhibit healthy flow within these pathways – ultimately improving wellbeing for all who benefit from it.


What a Spinal Flow Session looks like

The first appointment is when we will assess your posture and go through the health questionnaire. We will have a starting point to look back onto after 12 sessions.


Once the assessment done, you will lie on your belly on the massage table and focus on the music playing and on your breath whilst I will connect to the access points that will enable your brain to kick start your body's healing.


The first session is always longer we have time for assessments, the treatment takes about 30 minutes.


How will I feel after a Spinal Flow session

Everyone is different and process things differently. You may feel tired or invigorated, you may feel grounded and calm, your body may start to detoxify (increase amount of urination), you may feel sad or happy.


All these are most welcome as it is the body healing of its trauma and there is no right or wrong way to your own path of healing. 


How many sessions will I need

It is hard to define how many sessions each individual will need since the older we are, the more trauma the body holds onto.

I have experienced great results in 12 sessions in a short amount of time and I didn't thing I had much trauma to heal (needless to day I was wrong!) but the physical changes experienced after the 12th session were amazing! 

Want to Know More

Contact Laure to arrange a consultation on how Spinal Flow Therapy can assist your wellbeing.