
NRG Healing Massage

Why An Empty Cup Is Better Than A Full Cup

Why An Empty Cup Is Better Than A Full Cup

Confucius once said, “The man with one chopstick goes hungry.” But what if the man with one chopstick knows how to use it? An empty cup is better than a full cup because it is open to new possibilities.

Have you ever noticed that people tend to be more successful when they have an “empty cup?” That is, when they don’t already have everything they want, they are more likely to go out and get it. On the other hand, people who already have everything they want often become complacent and stop striving for more. This is why it’s so important always to keep your cup half-full (or even empty) if you want to be successful in life.

An empty cup is better than a full cup because:

1. An empty cup can be filled. A full cup can only be emptied.

2. An empty cup is flexible. A full cup is rigid.

3. An empty cup is humble. A full cup is prideful.

4. An empty cup is open to new possibilities. A full cup is limited by its contents.

5. An empty cup is at peace. A full cup is in conflict.

6. An empty cup can be still. A full cup always sloshes around and makes a mess.

7. An empty cup can be carried without spillage. A full cup will inevitably spill and make a mess.

8. When you drink from an empty cup, you know when it’s time to stop drinking. With a full cup, you might not know when to stop and end up drinking too much (which can lead to a hangover).

9 . An empty cup represents potential and possibility. A full cup represents finality and certainty— two things that are often overrated.

It’s so important to always keep your cup half-full (or even empty). If you want to be successful in life, you need to be constantly motivated and always strive for more. So next time you find yourself getting comfortable, remember that it’s better to have an empty cup than a full one—and go out and fill up your cup!